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Llámenos: (+34) 644 111 444

Consejería Directa

Consejería psicológica, psicoterapia directa.



Libérate de las ataduras que te hacen sufrir. Cumple los objetivos que deseas. Supera tus miedos, fobias, adicciones y traumas de una forma rápida y eficaz. Recupera el control de tu vida. Te ofrezco soluciones de psicología integrativa para tu salud en Madrid

¿Qué proporcionamos?

Servicios Psicológicos

Nuestro objetivo es brindar a los clientes el mejor servicio, para nosotros ayudar a los clientes a superar sus barreras es una tarea noble.


“ Si tiene problemas y necesita nuestra ayuda, contáctenos de inmediato, somos soporte 24/7 ”



Comprender sus requisitos y objetivos es importante para nosotros. Escuchamos y trabajamos
juntos para crear una experiencia verdaderamente única e inolvidable.
Por qué elegirnos

Estamos siempre listo para un reto

Más de 20 años de práctica profesional como terapeuta y de práctica personal de meditación y otras técnicas orientales. También un amplio recorrido de psicoterapia personal con diferentes profesionales.


Premios de honor



1 %

Clientes Satisfechos

1 +

Proyectos Exitosos

No dudes en contáctarme

Cuenta conmigo

Creo que es muy importante que los médicos tengamos una combinación de habilidades clínicas y cualidades humanas.

Our Case Studies

Typical Story

Here are some typical stories that we have helped them

First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.

First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.
First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.
First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.
First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.

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Cada uno de nosotros quiere alguien con quien hablar, te escucharé con todo mi corazón.

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Presentación En este apartado, Blog de psicología, iré colgando algunas cosas que entiendo pueden ser de interés para las personas interesadas…


  A menudo intuimos y a veces tenemos la certeza de que nuestra psique, nuestra mente, influye en nuestra salud, pero…

How to Cope with Coronavirus-Caused Mental Health Concerns

Today, it feels like everything has changed—it’s either been closed, postponed, or canceled. Some states have officially shut down. You’re working.

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